Through our partnerships, The Base Project's impact is growing in the northwest desert of Namibia. We are developing a 42-acre community farm that provides land, water access, and education for locals. To lay the foundation for a desert farm w e partnered with H.I.P.O, an innovative organization that works with tribes in the Kunene region. H.I.P.O helps each tribe bridge the gap between their rich indigenous culture and the modern world.

In a time of severe drought and food shortages, this farm emerges at critical moment. Each farmer is provided land, seeds, training, access to equipment + spring water, transportation to market, and protective fencing from wildlife.

Half the farmland is for family farm plots to grow subsistence produce. The other half of the land + resources will grow commercial produce to sell at local markets, a model that empowers the community to sustain the farm independent of outside funding. The community also elected to donate fresh produce to local HIV patients with critical nutritional needs.

Your purchase of a bracelet from The Base Project not only pays Fair Trade wages to an individual artisan in Africa, it also launches community-endorsed projects in the artisans region, like this sustainable community farm. Thank you for being part of our latest community project. Wear Your Impact!